Thursday, January 4, 2018

40 Days and 40 Nights: Master Cleanse Edition

January 1, 2018
40 DAYS and 40 NIGHTS: Master Cleanse Edition

Happy New Year! I hope everyone had a great Christmas and a festive New Year. I actually thought my Christmas was kind of drab, but I am sooooooo thankful that I got to see it. More importantly, I got to share with my entire family (like 10 people just immediate 8 or so kids), so many people cannot say that. So, drab or not, I am thankful.

Y'all It is 2018 and a chick outchea feeling like JESUS! After two months of pondering, obsessing, and denying, I have made up my mind to do the Master Cleanse for 40 days and 40 nights. If you don't know what the Master cleanse is, then it is basically a complete food fast where you are only allowed to drink a lemonade mix with maple syrup, cayenne pepper, and, obviously lemons. You can also drink peppermint tea on occasion. It also consists of a pretty disgusting saltwater rinse and a laxative tea, but I will get into that on my youtube page. WHICH YOU SHOULD CHECK OUT! On this blog, I am only going to talk about my thoughts, feelings, trials, and triumphs. So, here goes.

Day 1: Consistency, Clarity, and Control

My name is Shakuri, and I am an aspiring performer. Actually, I take that back. I am a performer. Singing and dancing are my favorite things to do. I love to write catchy and soulful songs, and I love to put on a show. Lately, so many things have gotten in the way of me doing what I love. I am a college student majoring in Finance/computer engineering so time is serious factor that prevents me from staying consistent with my art. Being so focused on school has caused many other parts of my life to become out of focus such as my exercise (vocal and physical). I am not as active as I used to be. And, sadly, I am not as spiritual. Growing pains are real. Adult life makes you question so many things that you would question as an adolescent. One of the greatest things I have questioned as of late is "Who is Christ to me?"

So many things in my life were falling out of wack because I lost sight of what I love to do, and I lost sight of the one who gave me my gift. This is why I decided to embark on 40 DAYS and 40 NIGHTS: Master Cleanse Edition. I seek to find Clarity in the path I choose to embark, Control and discipline in that path, and Consistency and persistence in my goals.

Today was a honestly a complete disaster. I left home today along with my sister, so we had to wake up around 2:30 for the airport even though my flight was set to leave at 7am from Cincinatti and arrive in NYC BY 9 am. I was already pretty bummed that I had to wake up so early, but nothing could prepare me for the 6 HOUR delay on my flight. Apparently, a bunch of flight attendants quit two nights before. But, the airline new a whole da beforehand, but didn't warn anybody until 6:30 pm, 30 MINUTES before we were scheduled to board.  I kid you not, less than 30 minutes after they changed our flight time to 1pm, they changed it 3pm which made it delayed by 9 HOURS. I was stranded. No food, and my plan was to get New Yorks and make my lemonade mix really fast and drink that. The time is about 10 am, and I planned to muscle out and fast for the day, but then they gave us ONLY an $8 food voucher, so I mean, I had to take. The food was free guys....well sort of. I paid for it with a 9 hour delay. Anyways, I did the worse thing possible, I bought Panda Express with my voucher, and it tasted so good. You don't even understand. I figured it would be end-all-be-all meal. My food pretty much dissolved by 3 pm and I was starting to feel hungry again and I was stuck in the airport. We were about to board, and although they gave us another $8 food voucher, I gave it to someone else and did not eat again since then. We boarded the plane, and since we were so out of schedule we had soooooooo many more delays. DELAYS for our bags. DELAYS to get on the runway. DELAYS to land. DELAYS to get off the plane and into the gate. I kid you not when I tell you that after we had successfully landed, we stayed on the plane for an extra hour just to get off. By the time I got to the Newark Airport it was 7:15 pm. It took 4 hours for a 2 hour flight, and 10 hours to arrive from 9 am. Long story short: NEVER EVER FLY W/ALLEGIANT AIRLINES (still waiting on my money back). It took an extra hour to get my bags, and then I headed for New Jersey transit. I actually thought that I could sleep for a bit, but then the NJ transit LOST POWER. Like my word, when things couldn't get any worse. I had to hightail to the Path train and explain the situation and why I needed the free ride. Took that train to 33rd street to find out it was frigid cold in NYC, so I attempted to call an Uber: PHONE DIES!!! It is 10 o clock, so the only place open to charge your phone is a drugstore with all those delicious snacks, but I held out, and I finally got home around 1 am. All this while I had nothing to eat or drink (unless you count the panda Express). Day 1 was an epic Fail.

January 2, 2018
Day 2

Day 2 is much better. I actually feel good. I started my day pretty late. I did not wake up until 2 or so. Today is my first real day on the cleanse, and I woke up feeling extremely energized. I love the taste of the mix. Kinda tastes like spiked lemonade. If you close your eyes it could be a Vodka spritzer type of drink. I was home all day, and I was home alone. So, naturally I sang really loud and walked around half naked with some heels on: a chick outchea feeling like BEYOOOONCE' ." OKAY ladies now let's get in formation: cause I CLEANSE! Awee man that was real lame, but I have been blasting this all day.

It is about 6:45 now, and I took such a long nap. I woke up to one of my roommates cooking some vegetables that smelled delectable and some serious shakes. Yes, my body was shaking profusely. My hands, legs, everything. I had picked up my phone to call my sister and I dropped it. I picked my laptop up and I dropped that. The Master Cleanse calls for me to drink at least 6 cups of the mix or about 60 oz a day. At this point, I had only drink about 10-20 oz and my body went into shock. I thought it was too early to have a reaction like this, but I guess hunger knows no bounds. I was not even hungry, but I put the first sort of healthy food I could find to calm my body down. I learned an important lesson: DO NOT DO THIS CLEANSE COLD TURKEY. You must ease in for about 3 days slowly weaning yourself off of food. If not, you can and will go into shock. I called my sister. I tried to dodge her questions about why am I doing this and her caring remarks with other less over-the-top stuff I could try, but eventually I burst into tears because I was scared about how my body reacted. I also didn't want to quit so early because I would have felt so horrible about myself. The whole reason for this discipline exercise was to start something hard and complete it. I absolutely didn't want to quit now. It was way to early, and I am way to stubborn. So, I went to my vocal class from 8-12 am and just kept singing. I felt great after the class, and I took my laxative tea and went straight to bed.